To test the installation of the system try the example "SimulaHasClass.sim".
ΓÇó Double-click on the icon of " SimulaHasClass.sim". MPW will start and a window named "SimulaHasClass.sim" will be opened. The window contains the test program with an introductory comment that is actually the commands to compile, link and execute the program.
ΓÇó Mark the comment (excluding ! and ;) and execute by pressing ENTER. The program will be compiled, linked and executed. After the execution three new files will be found in the folder, namely:
SimulaHasClass the executable file
SimulaHasClass.sim.o the object file generated by the assembler
SimulaHasClass.atr the attribute file used to check calls to separately compiled
procedures or classes.
ΓÇó Quit from MPW but do not save the new version of SimulaHasClass.sim.